Friday, June 1, 2012

The Beutiful Of Mendut Tample

Mendut is a Buddhist temple. This temple is situated in the village Mendut, Mungkid district, Magelang regency, Central Java, a few kilometers from the temple of Borobudur. Mendut founded during the reign of King Indra of the Syailendra dynasty. In the inscription Karangtengah 824 AD, stated that the king Indra has built a shrine named wenuwana which means it is a bamboo forest. By a Dutch archaeologist named J.G. de Casparis, this word is associated with Mendut.
Decoration found on temple ornaments Mendut be intermittent. Decorated with carvings of celestial beings and gods gandarwa apsaras or angel, two monkeys and a garuda. Mendut temple for Buddhists to have meaning. The presence of three large Buddha statues in this temple has a beauty that is very high both in physical form or as a work of art. All three statues of Buddha in the temple chamber is considered still emit rays of chastity. So among the Buddhist temple is a place of prayer.
Mendut indeed different temples that exist in Indonesia. As a Buddhist temple, this temple has its own charm. Not only the existence of large Buddha statue, the temple was also decorated with reliefs depicting Jataka stories, which are loaded with meaning the teachings of the law 'Cause and Effect.' Reliefs were carved on the outer wing panels ladder section the bottom.
When it was rediscovered in 1834 AD, the temple was covered with soil and shrubs. Like Borobudur temple, the temple is expected to also become victims of the massive eruption of Mount Merapi mahapralaya the year 1006 AD So damaged ravaged affected Merapi volcanic material. And for centuries this temple is 'drowning' swallowed era, along with the displacement of the center of the kingdom in Central Java to East Java.
Beside Mendut Temle there Buddhist monastery. This monastery was formerly a Catholic convent which was then divided up his land to the people in the 1950s. Then the people's lands are purchased by a foundation built upon the Buddha and the monastery. In this monastery there are dormitories, places of worship, parks, and several statues of Buddha.
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The Beutiful of Menara Kudus Mosque

Menara Kudus Mosque (also called Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Masjid Al-Manar) is a mosque built by Sunan Kudus in 1549 AD or the year 956 Hijri Baitul Maqdis using stones from the Palestinians as the first stone. The mosque is located in the village Kauman, city districts, counties Kudus, Central Java. The mosque is uniquely shaped, because it has a similar tower of the temple. This mosque is a blend of Islamic culture with Hindu culture.

Tower of the Holy Mosque is one of the relics of history, as evidence of the spread of Islam in the Land of Java. This mosque is unique because the design of the building, which is an amalgamation of Hindu Culture and Islamic Culture. As we know, before Islam, Java has evolved in Buddhism and Hinduism with the legacy of temples and temple. In addition there is the worship of the Spirit Ancestors (Animism) and reliance on objects (dynamism). Tower of the Holy Mosque into evidence, how a combination of Islamic Culture and Hindu culture has produced a building that was unique and high-style architecture. A building of mosques, but with the tower in the form of temples and various other ornaments of the Hindu style.

The Beutiful Great Mosque of Demak

The Masjid Agung Demak in Central Java, believed to be built by the Wali Songo brotherhood in 16th Century Demak Sultanate

Masjid Agung Demak (or the Great Demak Mosque) is one of the oldest mosques in Indonesia, located in the center town of Demak, Central Java Indonesia. The mosque is believed to be built by the Wali Songo (the nine pious religious leaders) during the first Demak Sultanate ruler, Raden Patah during the 15th century.
This mosque is the proof of glory achieved by the Demak Bintoro kingdom as the first Islamic kingdom in Java island.

Mosque Features

Masjid Agung Demak is the classic example of a traditional Javanese mosque. Unlike mosques in the Middle East it is built from timber. The tiered roof is supported by four enormous teak pillars. This means that the mosque is rather small when compared to many modern Indonesian mosques. The tiered roof shows many similarities with wooden religious structures from the Hindu-Buddhist civilizations of Java and Bali. The main entrance of Masjid Agung Demak consists of two doors carved with motifs of plants, vases, crowns and an animal head with an open wide-toothed mouth. It is said that picture depicts the manifested thunder caught by Ki Ageng Selo, hence their name “Lawang Bledheg” (the doors of thunder).
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Masjid Agung Semarang Central Java (Great Mosque in Shout West Asia)

Great Mosque or Masjid Agung Semarang Central Java is a mosque located in the city of Semarang, Central Java province, Indonesia.

This mosque was built in 2001 until 2006. This mosque stands on 10 hectares of land. Grand Mosque was inaugurated by Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono on November 14, 2006.

Great Mosque of Central Java (MAJT) which was built in 2001 to 2006 is located in East Semarang area, precisely located at Jalan Gajah Semarang. Majestic mosques and spectacular stands on 10 hectares of land and has very complete facilities, such as the convention hall (auditorium), souvenir shop, Pujasera, office buildings, libraries, and the tower of view.

Mosque was built about five years time this building was left of the ideals and aspirations of the main Mosque of Central Java (MAJT) able to control social and economic life that tends to promote worldliness. Overall this mosque construction cost of 198,692,340,000 IDR.

Grand Mosque was inaugurated by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono on about 14 November 2006 by pressing the sirens and the signing of a replica plaque.

While the original inscription had been installed permanently in the front yard entry level 3.2 meterdengan Mosque weight 7.8 tons, is a natural stone taken from the slopes of Mount Merapi, Magelang regency, Central Java.

This inscription carved Nyoman M. Alim is also believed to create a miniature temple of Borobudur is located in Minimundus Vienna Austria in 2001.

Central Java Grand Mosque was built in the area of approximately 10 hectares, with an area covering the main building 7.669M2, and can accommodate 6000 pilgrims.

Court was equipped with an area of 7500 M2 giant umbrella 6 who can open and close automatically as in the Nabawi Mosque in Medina, able to accommodate 10 thousand worshipers.

This mosque architecture is a blend of Javanese architecture, Arabic and Greek. On the right wing is Convention Hall or auditorium that can accommodate 2000 pilgrims, were left wing is prepared to library separately later in the design of a modern library (digital library); and office space for rent.

Great Mosque of Central Java but is prepared as a place of worship, was also prepared as an object of religious tourism. To support these goals, the Great Mosque is equipped with a guesthouse with a capacity of 23 rooms in many kind of class, so that the pilgrims who want to spend the night can take advantage of the facility.

Another attraction of this mosque is Al-Husna Tower or Al Husna Tower 99 Meters height. The bases of the tower have Da’Is Radio Studio (Islamic Da'wah). While on the 2nd floor and 3rd floor used as the Museum of Islamic culture and on the floor there is Cafe 18 Muslims who can spin 360 degrees. On the 19th floor is equipped for tower view 5 binoculars that can see the city of Semarang.

At the beginning of Ramadan 1427 H then, binoculars at the mosque was first used to see Hilal Rukyatul as seen by the team of Central Java Rukyah using sophisticated binoculars from Boscha

For the purposes of worship, mosque architecture of universal and local fusion was able to accommodate 10 thousand worshipers. Inside the mosque is complex there guesthouse with 23 rooms in various classes. This homestead provision aims to provide lodging facilities for pilgrims or religious tourists who want to spend the night in MAJT.

For those who want recreation, MAJT also provides some entertainment facilities, such as play equipment and train a rabbit that will take visitors around the mosque complex.
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“Karimunjawa as beautiful as my dream!”

I went to Karimunjawa after this place appeared in my dreams few times, and I'm glad that I visited this's beautiful!

You can reach karimunjawa from pelabuhan Kartini (a small port) in Jepara, the ferry runs about 3 times a week so make sure that you check the schedule.
The journey took about 6 hour, if you have time better take ferry besides cheaper you also can soak the atmosphere of people surround you and enjoy it!

I stayed in Wisma Apung, it's the only floating accomodation in this island. To get around you can use a small boat, but during my stay there I seldom left this accomodation because everything that I need had sorted out ;-) if I wanted to see sunrise I just need to get out from my room and the sunrise right infront of me, same goes to sunset i just need to walk around this place turned my back and I can see one of the best sunset! This place also has shark farm, so I can swim with shark and feed them as well! And you can also do snorkelling activity around this place too as it has nice coral reef.
And for the meal just like other accomodation you have an option to get it from the hotel (mine is Rp 20.000 for dinner and it's excellent seafood dinner!!) or you can go to Alun-Alun (town centre) where there are lots of food vendor and you can buy from them. If you want western food there is one restaurant calls "cafe Amore" .

Even I'm travelling solo I joined a group for snorkelling tour, it took about 2-3 days if you want to see all the spot. I think we visited 4-5 spot, one of the best one was near menjangan kecil island and the other one was near tengah island, amazing coral reefs and many beautiful fish!

If you have more time, beside snorkelling, diving, sunbathing and swimming another activity that you can do is to explore the mangrove forrest in the mainland.

Karimunjawa is really beautiful place to visit as it's still unspoilt, quiet and not as commercial as Bali or Gili T, infact karimunjawa reminds me of Gili Trawangan 10 years ago, but way much better.

There are lots of accomodation that suits all budget, from homestay style to resort style.
If you don't go with tour for snorkelling you can rent a a boat for about Rp 250.000 - 300.000/ day (depends on your skill to haggling) and the boat will take you to all spot. If renting a boat for your own not an option, alternatively you can talk to the tour operator if you can join their snorkelling trip and I think they'll only charge you about Rp 70.000/ day/person.

Visit Karimunjawa! you'll not regret it and I'm sure just like me you'll have a good time in this beautiful place and for myself it's easily become one of the best holiday spot that I ever been :-)

How Environment, Industrialization and Rain Barrels are interconnected

by: Maverick M. Stanford

 As early as elementary science, it taught us that water covers 70% of the Earth's surface, while earth’s land mass only covers 30% of the Earth's surface. Now that is huge different.

Everyone might wonder how come other environmental organizations have been relentless in their campaign to conserve water. Well the truth is only a small percentage of water is actually in a useable state, the majority being the saltwater of the ocean or in the polar icecaps. And the rest of the earth’s body of water such as rivers and streams are fast drying up. Rain barrels are one of the most practical ways to conserve water.

With the earth’s booming population and industrialization, both require put pressure to the earth’s water reservoir. The human population requires more fresh water to drink and so food production such as agriculture and livestock. As industrialization continues globally more and more water is used in manufacturing processes. These scenarios suggest one clear message to all; water shortage is an imminent problem in the near future.

The government has a big role to play in creating laws that protects earth’s natural water resources from total destruction and disseminating information to the public with ways and means to conserve water. A lot of states in US are encouraging the use of rain barrels, especially to the households who are far away from towns and villages with no reliable water system.

By simple installing rain barrels, the household can save a great deal of water. Though rain barrel water may not pass as drinking water without proper and thorough filtration system, it can used in flushing toilet, lawn and gardening usage, car washing and general cleaning purposes. Collecting and catching rain water is easy too; minutes of heavy downpour are enough to fill up large rain barrels that can be used by households for several days. Just imagine how much water can be saved if all household will turn into utilize rain barrels as a mean to save and conserve water.

Banyumas's Waterfalls

                             Central Java Map.
Hearing word of Banyumas, many people may be will remembered of ‘ngapak’ accent that always make us smile, or imagine the beautiful panorama of Baturaden with its Pancuran tujuh hot spring. For climber, mount slamet would not be forgotten ever. Indeed, Banyumas is rich of beautiful natural objects and friendly people.

Nevertheless, in this article I try to depict another hidden beauty, and many people perhaps do not know or even hear, that is waterfalls in southern Banyumas.

Southern Banyumas I mean here is an east-west elongated folded mountain which is located in the south of river Serayu, therefore geologists call it Southern Serayu mountain. Further to the south, a wide lowland, called as Cilacap lowland, extends parallelly with this mountain and bordered by Indian Ocean in the south.

When my friends and I visited village Kemawi,  distric Somagede, I got information from the local residents that many beautiful waterfalls surrounded that area, but is still rarely visited by tourists. Without wasting time, I asked to a local resident to accompany us went there, as well as guide.
Village Kemawi itself is located on the centre of Southern Serayu mountain exactly, on the anticline hinge of this folded mountain. It is about five hundreds meters above sea level and the air is fresh enough in the morning. Albizia, rubber tree, durian, jengkol, coconut, and crops are dominant vegetations here.

Back to the waterfalls, Gumawang waterfall is the first waterfall we visited. We could reach this object by riding car until the nearest small town. The road is well asphalted and lake Tapak Bima seen on the left side. It called ‘tapak bima’ because of its form like human footprint. After about two kilometers on riding, the road became narrows and very slippery. Across the inhabitant garden, as close to the waterfall, the road became a footpath. To reach the waterfall itself, we had to walk down the slope as deep as approximately a hundred meter. Along the walk down, we could see beautiful panorama of Gumawang valley.

                                     Gumawang waterfall

After about one hour walk down, we could see the beautiful Gumawang waterfall. This waterfall actually has three levels and each separated by approximately ten meters wide pools. The big debit water is clear, except in rainy season, and falls among andesite rock that shows imperfect pillow lava structure. In the left side, another waterfall falls among breccias rock, much less in debit but as high as the Gumawang’s. 

                             Playing under the second level waterfall

Not far from Gumawang waterlfall, in Karangaren town, there is another big water debit waterfall, Klapa waterfall. The water runs down through breccias wall as high as approximately 30 meters and looked like waved curtain or white grandmother’s hair.

This waterfall is different with Gumawang flow. The water is clearer, and many little pools, about 2 untill 3 meters in diameter, above and under the main waterfall, looked like natural jacuzzies. It is unfortunate if you visit it without swimming.

                                      the pool, want to swim?

The third waterfall is still anonymous. It is located in the north of the centre of village Kemawi. This waterfall has five levels and each has approximately five until seven meters high. The water runs down the seventy until sixty degree andesite breccias cliff, therefore we could climb it easily enough. On the top of this waterfall, we could take a rest by viewing to the north, enjoy the beautiful Banyumas basin scenery which drained by meandering river Serayu. Mount Slamet could be seen standing gallantly in the distance with its white smoke whiff.

                                        the third waterfall

There are still many another wonderful waterfalls you can visit, still anonymous, still on South Serayu mountain, and you can enjoy some of its picture below.